Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 Days of Order/Disorder, Day 6

School-themed post today.

ORDER: (to the max)
For those of you who think home-schoolers really don't actually do school, (which I'm sure does not include anyone who reads this blog,) let me reassure you, at the Binder house, we definitely do school. I don't do this much schedule planning for nothing.

And this is our school schedule--for three children, and the various days of the week, including a different schedule on Wednesdays for when we do have co-op classes, and when we don't.

Some of you think I'm the queen of organization right now. Some of you think I could benefit from medication.

To top this off, each child has a system of personalized alarms that I've set up on their computers--a pop-up reminds them when it is time to start each lesson, when they have 10 minutes left, and when they are to be done. If they have work in that subject left at the "stop" alarm, they save it for "homework" later in the day.

Before you start sending sympathy cards to my children, you should also know that if they finish their lesson, work, and have it graded before the "stop" alarm for that subject, they get a small piece of candy. It is truly amazing how hard they will work for a Dove chocolate.

This seems harmless, doesn't it? Fairly organized, right? The problem with this lovely cart and the two boxes of old home school curriculum that I need to haul to Kansas City to the consignment shop to actually sell is that it has been in this exact spot in my downstairs hallway for....say....3 months?? Why? Because I don't know where to put it. I could hide it in a less-conspicuous spot, but then I figure I really won't ever do anything with it.

So I keep walking around it. Not doing anything with it. Now that makes sense, doesn't it.

Maybe I do need medication.

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