Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days of Order/Disorder, Day 17

Ok, so I should re-title this series and not call today day 17 since I've missed the last 5 days....but I don't want to do that much math today.

I have two "order" pictures for you today, partially because I want you to believe I have twice as much order in my home than disorder (don't talk to my husband about this) and partially because my second "order" picture will probably only excite the home-schoolers in my audience. I don't like to leave anyone out.

In Little House on the Prairie days, each family member owned one pair of mittens, one winter hat, and one scarf. In 2012, apparently each family member owns enough of these things to outfit an army.  At least it feels like we do. To keep these at bay, I hung an Over-the-Door Shoe Organizer on the inside of our stand-alone coat cupboard and we stick a (hopefully) matching pair in each pocket. I like the ones that have the mesh pockets like this rather than the solid canvas pockets (that you can't the contents thru) or the clear plastic pockets (that won't allow slightly-damp gloves to dry without molding first.) This is also a good place to stick the kids' sunglasses or other miscellaneous things you (or they) need to grab while walking out the door. 

This next one is for the home schooling crowd (the rest of y'all, you may want to just skip right down to my lovely disorder picture...)
I mentioned this on facebook this week--our paper grading desk. Click on the photo to enlarge. I placed 3 of these  Mesh Desk Organizers (which, for the record, weren't as expensive as they are now) side by side and filled them with each student's teacher's manuals. As soon as they finish a lesson and the accompanying worktext page, they bring it to this desk and grade their own work. The magnetic holder on the white board to the left holds grading pens, markers, and highlighters, and the bucket below it holds a couple stamps (star, thumbs up, etc.) and and stamp pad. It is their responsibility to grade their own work and then put everything back in place. Of course many times they will need me to grade a part of their work when the teacher's manual lists the answer as "answers will vary", so they call me over and we get it done. No more not-getting-to-grading-papers-for-four-weeks-and-they-learned-three-things-wrong-since-then at this house. Don't worry, we have other issues to contend with.

Speaking of which....
I ought to have my head examined for showing this picture to the internet world. No, this is not some rice or pasta recipe. This was roast, green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes. That white stuff? Mold. I can't even claim that this was some homeschool experiment. What this was is me procrastinating cleaning out the fridge for 3 weeks. I'm sure none of you have found such disgusting-ness in the deep depths of your refrigerator. Uh-huh. 

Now who wants to come over for supper??

(To view all of my posts from most recent to oldest, click here.)

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