Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days of Order/Disorder, Day 3

Today's post comes from the Master Bathroom. This is one of those rooms that NO ONE goes into except me and my family. So it is easy for me to let it get out of sorts. Not that that's a good excuse.

I got these organizing trays at Target and they fit perfectly in my master bathroom drawers. The top tray slides forwards and backwards to reveal the bottom tray. (look on the right-hand side by the blush) LOVE THESE.

DISORDER: (brace yourself)
The master bath counter doesn't always look like this. But there is typically more on it than there should be. Horizontal surfaces are my worst clutter enemy. Obviously. And I would love to blame it on this little monster...

...but most of her "spoils" end up on the floor, or in a completely different drawer, not on my counter. (This, by the way, is Mr. Organized's drawer. Of course none of the junk on the counter is he probably still wins.)

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