Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days of Order/Disorder, Day 11

Are you wondering if you missed day 10?? No, you did not. I missed day 10. But hey, I lasted 3 days longer than I thought I would!!

Not wanting to completely disappoint my plethora of fans....

ORDER and DISORDER: (yes, together)

This is what we affectionately call "The Cube" at our house. And it is organized in a disorderly fashion. With 4 kids, this is how we keep track of everyone's shoes and coats. (Everyone under the age of 12, that is.)  As you can see, it gets a little messy at times. And even without the extra items and with everything put in its place, it doesn't portray that all-neat-and-tidy feel. But at this point, if the kids can locate their shoes and coats in 2 minutes or less when I say, "It's time to load the car!!", I won't complain.

1 comment:

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

I have enjoyed these posts. I am sure I could post many disorder pictures, and hopefully find some order one!