Monday, October 1, 2012

31 Days of Order/Disorder, Day 1

The Nester is hosting 31 days of...just about every topic imaginable. Go ahead and check it out.

Yeah. You thought I was kidding, didn't you. At the time of this posting there are 844. You won't see mine listed there because (a) I didn't think they needed one more 31 days of anything, and (b) knowing myself, I will fizzle out at about day 6. If I'm lucky.

So why the Order/Disorder theme? Because the other day I realized I am a study in extremes. Particularly in the organization department. I know some of you think I'm really organized. And there are pieces of my life that ARE really organized. But those other pieces? Yeah, total chaos. And as much as I would like my home and life to look like a spread in a Martha Stewart Magazine, it's just not going to. And I'm trying to be ok with that, as long as the reason for the disorganized part of my life is because I chose other, more important things. Things of eternal value. Investing in people. But let's face it, sometimes the disorganized part of my life is caused by my own laziness and selfishness. But that's a whole different "31 Days" topic...

So before I get too reflective, here we go. Today's post comes from the Laundry room.
Day 1
These professionally crafted beauties are made out of cardboard and a Sharpie. And they help me sort the hung-up clothes AS I hang them. Putting the already-sorted clothes away is a snap.

THIS example is mild. Normally the pile in front of the dryer is 3 times this size. (Hey, I'm just being honest here.) I call it Mount Never-rest. It makes me wish for Little House on the Prairie days when everyone owned 2 outfits--an everyday set and a Sunday set. And both hung on a hook.

I just haven't been able to convince my family that 2 outfits per person is a good idea.

But then again, they're not the ones doing the laundry.

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