Monday, March 28, 2011

One Year Anniversary

We are getting close to THE one-year anniversary. WHAT? You don't remember?? Here, let me refresh your memory...

Oh yeah. Remember now? Uh huh.

April 6th of last year was the day my heart nearly stopped when Drama Queen bounded down the stairs with Big Brother sportin' her new about it here if you need a good laugh.

On a side note, sometimes I have to laugh when I think about the things that have NOT freaked me out as much as that one Emergency Room visits and massive widespread flooding a half a mile from our home....

Anyway, I recently found this old photo

and had to laugh. I had forgotten about the whole hair-cutting thing that happened when he was like 2, with my sister. Obviously he didn't get to cut it ALL off, but HELLO, this should have been some sort of sign or something! And look, he used school scissors in both incidents....aren't they supposed to ONLY cut paper??

On a brighter note, Drama Queen's hair has grown out nicely, and no one has developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or anything! Just take a look...

And believe me when I tell you, when someone shares their own hair-cutting story with me, I just laugh and say, "Don't worry, one thing is for sure, it WILL grow back."

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Moms Need A Vacation

Reason #1: Death-defying acrobatics from a swingset that nearly cause your observing Mama to pass out.
Every family has to have one. You know, the child that keeps the Dr.'s Office in business. I just didn't think it would be our girly-girl, the one who can't leave the house without a skirt on.

Reason #2: Brainy ideas that come from the King of the family.
You know, things like hanging my children over a 20-foot deep cistern so they could see the kind of thing Joseph (of the Bible) was thrown into....or....
 ....the suggestion that we could save $300 a year on toilet paper if we would buy the cheapy-cheap-o stuff. The stuff that doesn't really qualify as toilet paper.  (Tracing paper, maybe. Toilet paper, no.) Don't worry, I checked--we don't even spend $300 a year on toilet paper.

Reason #3: Household messes
I should probably be thinking this is really cute and creative. But this is the phrase that keeps repeating in my head, "Exactly who is going to pick up this mess?"

Reason #4: (Slightly Different) Household Messes
In answer to that last question, I know exactly who is going to be cleaning up this mess.

Reason #5:  Not ever being able to leave the house (without the circus.)
I have 4 children. Only 3 can dress themselves, but those 3 insist on dressing like this...
To say the circus has nothin' on us would be a grave so many ways.

Reason #6: Dieting.
No photo.
'Nuff said.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

You Are Special

I've realized I don't read enough TO my kids. They have been begging me to do just that. So I've started to read a little to them while they eat breakfast. One time I tried to read to them while I ate breakfast, too....that didn't work.

Anyway, we started with Nate the Great (what? you thought we'd tackle classical literature first??) and I read just until Nate says he figured out the mystery. Then I'd close the book and let them finish the rest in their reading time. I did NOT have to convince them to read on "Nate the Great" days!

This morning we read You Are Special by Max Lucado. I own a lot of children's books by Lucado, but I purchased them before I had kids, had tucked them away, and honestly kinda forgot about them. I think God reminded me they were there. I had forgotten how special his kids books are.

There are books that are good. And there are books that are really good. And then there are books that are really good.  You Are Special falls into that category. If you haven't read it, please do. And if you haven't read it to your kids, start. And do it often. Yes, its just that really good.