Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Sick

I already know I am ridiculous when it comes to germs, so don't start with me. But I really hate getting sick. And not so much me, but the kids. We have went through pneumonia twice. Mr. Easy Going threw up in his room last year in the middle of the night, and when I came in and flipped on the light, it looked like a crime scene. No joke. (And my first thought was, "How MANY people have been throwing up in here??) So, when we were exposed to H1N1 last week, the next day I went to Walmart and bought this.

And this isn't even everything. I didn't photograph the new forehead thermometer (which is supposed to be more accurate then the ear one we already have...but I have my doubts about that one...), the new cool-mist humidifier, or the multiples (I actually bought 2 boxes of Mucinex, 2 bottles of Tylenol...etc.) My Mom, after seeing this pile, commented that I forgot to get rubber gloves and Lysol spray, but I already have plenty of those items!

So, I was prepared. Mentally and medicine-ly. And we waited. I figured incubation period is anywhere between 2 and 6 days....

we waited...
and waited...
and now that it's been a week, I think we missed it. And I, Miss Borderline Germ-a-phobic, am almost disappointed. I was just ready to get it over with. I mean really, as contagious as it seems to be, you know we're going to get it eventually. And I guess I'd rather have it now than over Thanksgiving or Christmas, or someone's birthday.

So, I guess we'll continue to wait. And if we don't get it pretty soon, I guess we could go back to Walmart and lick the shopping cart handle.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Going Fishing" is just an excuse

Neither my husband nor myself really grew up fishing much. And although I like to go fishing, my one requirement is they have to bite pretty fast. Call me impatient, whatever. I might feel differently if (a) I didn't have to keep 3 kids contained, quiet, and safe from drowning, and (b) I didn't have to touch things that smell so bad and are bait, moss, and the fish themselves. Don't get me wrong, I can touch pretty smelly and pretty slimy things, but I just don't want it to be part of something that is supposed to be relaxing. Nonetheless, about once or twice a summer, DH announces we are going fishing, so off we go, toting laughable poles and supplies in hand. Rarely do we catch anything...I mean really, did I mention there are THREE kids (under the age of 8) in a METAL fishing boat? "Quiet" does not exist in our world.

But, just look at what we get to enjoy. Fresh air, warm sunshine, and amazing scenery. God's creation at its best! And we get to enjoy it with the people we love most in this world. "Going Fishing" is really just an excuse to experience all of this.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Grandma's Barn

It is funny how certain photos evoke certain emotions. This photo, which probably means absolutely nothing to most of you, holds a warm, but now bittersweet spot in my heart. This is a photo of my grandma's barn. And although we were never allowed in it because of its instability, it was always a fixture in her backyard. My grandparents, even though they lived on the edge of a little town, had chickens (...and an outhouse! But that is a different story!) When I played in the yard, the barn was always there. When I went to throw the scraps to the chickens, the barn was always there. When I went to help Grandpa shut up the chickens, the barn was always there. The reason why this photo is now bittersweet is because we auctioned off her place this last weekend. This is no longer "her" barn. The yard that I spend many hours playing in, and the garden I helped Grandma and Grandpa dig potatoes in, is no longer theirs. And although I recognize seasons of life come and go, it still makes me a little sad. And in my heart, this will ALWAYS be Grandma's barn.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Time with Daddy

My DH loves to go on vacation because it is just about the only time of year he can spend (fairly) uninterrupted time with the kids. They love spending time together and this year, little drama queen here got to be pretty lovey-dovey with him. Makes a heart warm to see such love. I think I'll frame this one so when she's a teenager and giving us all gray hair, we can remember she did at one time love us... :)