Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Grandma's Barn

It is funny how certain photos evoke certain emotions. This photo, which probably means absolutely nothing to most of you, holds a warm, but now bittersweet spot in my heart. This is a photo of my grandma's barn. And although we were never allowed in it because of its instability, it was always a fixture in her backyard. My grandparents, even though they lived on the edge of a little town, had chickens (...and an outhouse! But that is a different story!) When I played in the yard, the barn was always there. When I went to throw the scraps to the chickens, the barn was always there. When I went to help Grandpa shut up the chickens, the barn was always there. The reason why this photo is now bittersweet is because we auctioned off her place this last weekend. This is no longer "her" barn. The yard that I spend many hours playing in, and the garden I helped Grandma and Grandpa dig potatoes in, is no longer theirs. And although I recognize seasons of life come and go, it still makes me a little sad. And in my heart, this will ALWAYS be Grandma's barn.

1 comment:

Aunt Stacy said...

So many memories there! I remember the sheep and the spring lambs and I had every one of them named! Along with the many cats and kittens! Yes...the chickens too! The last time i stood in the home place house...it didnt feel like gmas anymore. The pictures of her and gpas children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren were no more hanging on the walls, the sketches, small handcrafts, and all her nick nacks were..gone. Everything she saved, for some reason or rhyme...gone. Even the smell of the house that when you step in the house, had a distinct smell of home..gone. It was cold and empty. It echoed when someone spoke. I was looking out the back door, and I noticed that the swing was swaying back and forth in the cool breeze as if it was begging me to come swing one last time...so I did! Oh so many memories...I know that im so emotional about all this, it just seems its the beginning of the end, im trying so hard to get through this. One thing about all this, i feel that my sister and i become closer. Thanks for sharing. It really touched me!! And I enjoyed your blog!!:]