Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Going Fishing" is just an excuse

Neither my husband nor myself really grew up fishing much. And although I like to go fishing, my one requirement is they have to bite pretty fast. Call me impatient, whatever. I might feel differently if (a) I didn't have to keep 3 kids contained, quiet, and safe from drowning, and (b) I didn't have to touch things that smell so bad and are bait, moss, and the fish themselves. Don't get me wrong, I can touch pretty smelly and pretty slimy things, but I just don't want it to be part of something that is supposed to be relaxing. Nonetheless, about once or twice a summer, DH announces we are going fishing, so off we go, toting laughable poles and supplies in hand. Rarely do we catch anything...I mean really, did I mention there are THREE kids (under the age of 8) in a METAL fishing boat? "Quiet" does not exist in our world.

But, just look at what we get to enjoy. Fresh air, warm sunshine, and amazing scenery. God's creation at its best! And we get to enjoy it with the people we love most in this world. "Going Fishing" is really just an excuse to experience all of this.

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