Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Sick

I already know I am ridiculous when it comes to germs, so don't start with me. But I really hate getting sick. And not so much me, but the kids. We have went through pneumonia twice. Mr. Easy Going threw up in his room last year in the middle of the night, and when I came in and flipped on the light, it looked like a crime scene. No joke. (And my first thought was, "How MANY people have been throwing up in here??) So, when we were exposed to H1N1 last week, the next day I went to Walmart and bought this.

And this isn't even everything. I didn't photograph the new forehead thermometer (which is supposed to be more accurate then the ear one we already have...but I have my doubts about that one...), the new cool-mist humidifier, or the multiples (I actually bought 2 boxes of Mucinex, 2 bottles of Tylenol...etc.) My Mom, after seeing this pile, commented that I forgot to get rubber gloves and Lysol spray, but I already have plenty of those items!

So, I was prepared. Mentally and medicine-ly. And we waited. I figured incubation period is anywhere between 2 and 6 days....

we waited...
and waited...
and now that it's been a week, I think we missed it. And I, Miss Borderline Germ-a-phobic, am almost disappointed. I was just ready to get it over with. I mean really, as contagious as it seems to be, you know we're going to get it eventually. And I guess I'd rather have it now than over Thanksgiving or Christmas, or someone's birthday.

So, I guess we'll continue to wait. And if we don't get it pretty soon, I guess we could go back to Walmart and lick the shopping cart handle.

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