Friday, May 28, 2010

Whose Child Is This??

This morning, she flushed a (rather large) pencil sharpener down the toilet. (And I found out the people at Roto Rooter sure are nice!) But that's a whole different story....

Then this afternoon she flutters into the kitchen requesting (ever so politely) some pink milk. Something on her foot catches my eye. Is that....A TOE RING???

She's 3. Barely.

No one in this house has ever worn a toe ring. No one in this house even OWNS a toe ring.

And yet here she is, proud as punch sporting the little thing, with a gem on top to boot!

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against toe rings. You can just imagine my surprise when my 3-year-old shows up with one.  Where did she get it? How did she know it could go on her toe? Why did she think it was cool?

For the record, it was not officially a toe ring.  It was a play-ring from their dress-up clothes. But still. It makes me wonder where she gets these ideas...oh wait.  I think I know. They must come from her Aunt Mimi!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why Moms Get Gray Hair

It was, without a doubt, a Tuesday I will never forget. It started with me having a touch of the stomach flu the weekend before. Tuesday around noon I decided to lie down on the couch for a bit. Chatterbox was doing her schoolwork, and the other 2 were upstairs doing something, and although I didn't know exactly what, I figured, "How much trouble can they possibly get into in 20 minutes?" (Yes, this thought actually went thru my mind....famous last words.)

And really, it isn't unusual for Drama Queen to play for an hour or two upstairs with her babies or Barbies, completely entertaining herself. I should have known better with Big Brother in the mix. But they were quiet, and I really just needed a little rest.

Somewhere between completely awake and completely asleep, I heard the two of them come bounding down the stairs. I opened my eyes to the jolly comment, "Look Mom, we're both ready to go out and play T-ball!" And there they were. Big Brother and Drama Queen dressed in T-ball shirts, boys' shorts, and the biggest, proudest smiles on both of their faces! I'm not completely awake at this point. And I remember commenting on how cute they looked, and thinking, "I don't remember pulling her hair back into a pony tail this morning...Brother must have done it?......Man, he did a REALLY good job getting it all pulled back........." And then it hit me.

That wasn't a pony tail. That was NO HAIR. I'm quite sure my face made an immediate U-turn. I turned to Brother and exclaimed, "DID YOU CUT HER HAIR???????" to which he replied, smiling and proud as could be, "YES!" And when he saw my HORROR, HIS face made an immediate U-turn.

I don't remember clearly what happened next. I do remember freaking out. I sent Brother to his room for fear that I might do something I would regret later on. I called DH and told him he had to come home...IMMEDIATELY. Apparently I acted so freaked out that he thought someone had been critically injured--like thrown out of a window or something. While we waited for him to arrive, all I could think when I looked at her head was, "It's gone. It's ALL GONE! All of it. G-O-N-E." She failed to see the point of the crisis, although she could certainly tell that Mom was freaking out.

Daddy arrived home, and was relieved to find out it was "only" her hair. ONLY HER HAIR????

THAT did not help.

Ready for some pictures???

Drama Queen 2 weeks before the incident:

Drama Queen 2 hours after the incident--before we took her to the hairdresser...who really couldn't do a whole lot:

Long story short...we survived. And found out the reason he cut her hair was because he thought she would get hot with her long hair when they went out to play T-ball. So really, he was trying to do her a favor. I mean really, who wants to be HOT when playing T-ball??? We always tell him that a brother's job is to take care of his sister. And I guess he was, in his own way.

BUT, we've also had a couple of long discussion about what to do when something SOUNDS like a really good idea in your head, but it goes against something else you've been told. When in doubt, ask Mom FIRST.

The funny part is there wasn't a stitch of hair anywhere but in the trash can. Apparently he thought Mom would be upset if he made a mess. Hmmmmm....

In the end, here's what we learned.
1. Silence is not golden. It is suspicious.
2. It is only hair, and it will grow back. It does not really constitute a crisis, although it seemed like it at the time. When you think of the things that COULD have happened, and some of the real trials other families are facing, this was barely a hiccup. (Ok, so DH was right.)
3. It has been a great opportunity to teach our children about their own reasoning skills.
4. DH and I have realized our son is like a lab puppy. If we don't keep him busy, he will find something on his own to do. So we're investing in a building set and a magic kit....or two or more. And I periodically ask him, "Are you going to do something constructive, or do I need to give you something to do?" (aka: a chore)
5. Sometimes, as a parent, you're given no choice in a situation but to deal with it. Ok, I don't like that. I like to be in control! Do you suppose this is training me for when they become teenagers??

Drama Queen, surprisingly, could care less about her hair.
So honestly, the only person that has suffered permanent damage from this whole thing is me. What was damaged? My mental health. But I am recovering.

Oh, and the rest of the week?? Well, Wednesday and Thursday we waged war on a mouse in the house. (That's a whole different story--you don't know how much I HATE MICE IN MY HOUSE. To say they are disgusting would be like saying Brother just gave Drama Queen a little trim.) I bought 12 traps, a bag of coarse steel wool, a roll of screen, and a can of "Great Stuff". Those of you who have waged the same kind of war know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

And Friday we woke up to Brother throwing-up in his bed, and then continuing to throw-up constantly through 4 rooms in his effort to get to a toilet. Including a pit stop to throw up in MY bathroom sink. It was un-be-lieve-a-ble. Sorry, I didn't take any pictures, but I DID measure the throw-up trail--45 feet. FORTY-FIVE FEET OF THROW-UP ON CREAM CARPET. Thank the Lord for my Bissell Little Green Machine. (Although now I think I need a replacement.)

While sucking up the last of the throw-up trail, I told Brother, "You've had quite the week, haven't you!"

He replied..."Yeah, I wonder what will happen TOMORROW!!"


And THAT is why Moms get gray hair...and why my daughter has NONE!

Catching up!

Wow, my last post was back in December?? REALLY?? Sorry. Looks like we have some catching up to do! Here's what we've been up to in the last 4 months:

Back in February we took a family vacation to a resort that had 3 indoor waterparks! The kids thought it was great...but their favorite part was....

...the 3-person jacuzzi tub in our condo. "3-person??" you ask? Well, look at it, what would YOU call it??

Chatterbox, in a quest to make some extra spending money, decided to sell massage time to the family. Daddy was so proud...and was gladly her first customer!

We eat so many apples at our house (Chatterbox alone will eat 2 apples a day!) that DH decided it would be cheaper in the long run to plant our own orchard. So 4 apple trees arrived via Fed Ex and we planted the snow and freezing cold weather. Hey, they aren't going to grow in a box in the garage!

Drama Queen (sporting her new haircut--see other post) found a new napping spot.

Drama Queen turned 3 in April. I made her cake (a couple pictures down) and Chatterbox, who loves to decorate cakes, decorated her own for Drama Queen. I know, it looks like something from a Dr. Seuss book, but it is covered in 100% love! They ate it the night before the big day with the babysitter while Mom and Dad went out for supper.

DH took JUST the Birthday Girl out for breakfast, as is starting to be the tradition at our house. He said he learned all kinds of things he never knew before!

Drama Queen's cake, in honor of her new hairstyle, was fashioned after herself. (It is actually a Strawberry Shortcake cake pan I got off of ebay.) Looks just like her, don't you think?? When we cut it to eat it, she only would allow us to cut certain parts--had to start with the hat, then go to the shirt, leaving the face, particularly the eyes for the last. She saved the last piece for so long that I finally had to throw it out because it had turned ROCK HARD. (Shhhhh--don't tell her. She doesn't realize I've thrown it out yet.)

In honor of her love of helping Mommy cook, she got some new kitchen toys.

The kids have big plans for the farmers market this year. Here they're helping Daddy plant 6 rows of sweet corn in the field with the rest of the corn. Daddy told them, "If you're going to sell it, you're going to help me plant it!"

...and yes, everyone helped, although Drama Queen's job was just to stand there and look pretty.

My sister is getting married very soon, so I got to help with a Bridal Shower in her honor. Aren't they cute???

For the shower, we (the kids and I...can't you just see DH making these?? HA!) tried a friend's recipe for mini candy dipped apples. Mmmm, they were yummy!!

Finally, we went to an air show and saw my FAVORITE--the Blue Angels. They were AWESOME!

And what do you do at an Air Show once you've gotten bored? Get a quarter and try to squeeze it over your eye and act like a Pirate. Hey, that's not easy for a barely-3-year-old! (And it's not easy trying to explain to her how to do it!)

THAT'S what we've been up to lately. Well, that and a gazillion other things.