Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Parental Rights Threat

I don't normally forward political things unless they are really, REALLY important, and this one is. I have been closely following this 2-part issue for several years, and one of the two parts is coming to a vote TOMORROW (Wednesday) in the US Senate. If you want more info, read here , or feel free to talk to me.

Bare bones, here's the deal--if you believe responsible, law-abiding parents should have the final say in the rearing of their own children, please call your 2 US Senators TODAY!! and ask them to oppose ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which will be voted on in the Senate tomorrow. Most parents are surprised to know that parental rights (in this case, of children with disabilities, but all children will be included in the next treaty that comes up for ratifications--this one is just the first step)...anyway...parental rights are not written down in the text of the Constitution, it is up to judges to decide on a case-by-case basis. Scary?? Absolutely. If you don't want to take the time to thoroughly research this issue for yourself, then just trust me--if you believe in parental rights, call your Senators today.

I called today and this is all I did: Gave my name and zip code. Said I was calling regarding the vote that will take place tomorrow on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. And I said, "I urge Senator Blundt/McCaskill to oppose ratification of this treaty."
That's all I had to do, they thanked me and said they would pass the info on. No question as to why or support my argument, and they were congenial.

If you're unconvinced of the seriousness of this matter, here are two things:
Overruled trailer A 3 minute trailer for "Overruled: Governmental Invasion of your Parental Rights". The trailer is just 3 minutes, Overruled itself is actually 40 minutes, but if you have time for that, even better.
Also, here's a short "quiz" that will probably surprise you--parental rights are already being challenged in the US and passage of this treaty will just make things much worse.

Thanks--sorry I seem all alarmist, but as I've followed this issue, now is the time to be alarmed.

Below is the contact info for Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska (just contact YOUR state's Senators)--a phone call is best, but if the only way I can get you to do something is contact them via email (webmail), I've included their contact webpage as well. Please encourage your family and friends to call, too.


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