Thursday, November 5, 2009

Personality to the Max

Sometimes I forget God can pack so much personality into such a little body. But boy can He! There are so many factors to this photo that show her personality...

1) She's still in her pajamas, which she decides each morning exactly WHEN to change out of them, and typically picks her own clothes. (She's 2, remember? My 8-year-old doesn't even do this.)

2) She has 4 items in her hair--a ponytail, 2 headbands, and a pair of sunglasses. Overkill is her middle name.

3) She has her hands crossed like a prim and proper lady. I'm surprised she doesn't have her legs crossed--she usually does.

4) She has assembled, (and carefully placed) her crew to watch TV (probably a Chester video) with her. She is all about being with people and interaction, although only if she knows you. Apparently she's pretty good buds with these friends.

One thing you should know about our TV watching habits is that they are few and far between. When we had our first child 8 years ago, we decided we had better things to do than watch TV, so we got rid of the antennae (we never had cable or satellite...I live in the boonies, remember?). We did keep the TV and VCR to watch an occasional movie. So when I let the kids watch a video, it is big stuff. Apparently Drama Queen didn't want anyone to miss it!

One of the blessings of being a parent, which I hadn't thought of before I had kids, was being able to watch their little personalities develop. To encourage them in strengths and discipline them in weaknesses is one of the joys of being a parent. (Ok, so not such a joy, the disciplining part...let's call it a privilege, ok?)


Unknown said...

She's so CUTE!!!

Ema Ban said...

Hello Jenny! After I sent the message this morning, I thought "how about if I go on heirloomscraps and see what's there"? I then saw the blog address, and touched the button and WOW - great to see you and read about you! Yes, we definitely have our own chatterbox boy, an easy going one, and even a "drama king" - except our "drama" one is the middle one, the youngest is the chatterbox (though Andy, the oldest, can talk too most days
:-), and the easy going one is the youngest as well. Love to see you this way, too! Ema Ban