Friday, November 6, 2009

Mom the Detective

I love detective shows--back when we had a TV connected to the real world, that is. My favorite was CSI--the early CSI Las Vegas, when the murder had already been committed and you didn't have to SEE someone getting hacked to death with a hatchet. (Come on CSI--we can use our imaginations, we don't need to SEE those kinds of things. I digress...) So, yes, I love solving a mystery.

Never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine becoming a Mom would automatically make me a detective. I am called on just about every day to "put the pieces together" to discover what really happened 3 minutes ago in the living room. Here's a great example from today, and you see if YOU can figure it out...(don't worry, it doesn't take a rocket scientist!)

I knew it was a BAD sign finding a pile of screws on the living room carpet, alongside the murder weapon...

...and then a miscellaneous piece I've never seen before in my life (aka a trail of blood)...

...ahh, it appears we have found the victim, even though the culprit tried to cover up the murder.

And as I type this, the culprit just walked into the room stating, "Mom, I need a rope!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!!!!