Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey, Body, Pay Attention!

Honestly, getting in shape really stinks. And I really thought I would lose more weight in the process. I'd like to shed this last 20 pounds of insulation my last child put on me. So 6 weeks ago I started jogging every morning, slow at first, but I've moved my way up to 2 and a half miles a day, and increased one whole mph. I've cut 10 minutes off of my 2 mile time. I think that's pretty darn good...ok, I'm still a whole mph away from my goal, but for someone who hasn't been in shape, really, for about 17 years, I feel like I've come a long ways. Now, ask me how much weight I have lost. Go ahead. Ask me....and I'll tell you in the next post. No, just kidding! I've only lost 2 pounds. Six weeks of feet pounding and body sweating, and all I've managed to lose is 2 pounds???? Now THAT is depressing. I figure I'm burning an extra 250 calories a day, so I ask you, where are those calories going?? If it weren't for the health benefits and just feeling better, I think I'd quit. They say it takes 6 weeks to establish a new habit. How long does it take for my body to figure out it needs to quit hanging on so desparately to this excess I have hanging around my waist??

And PS: These are NOT my feet!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our favorite summer thing

Ask my kids what their favorite part of summer is. You might think they would say swimming, or playing outside. Nope. It is the Jr. Naturalist program at the wildlife refuge down the road. This once-a-week program has my kids hiking to the top of a "mountain" to feel some dirt, pouring vinegar on rocks, listening for birds, hunting for (and holding) snakes (yes, its true, and I have the pictures to prove it), holding and examining frogs, categorizing clouds, collecting leaves (and snails), and you just might find them all crouched over a little tub of water with a crawdad in it...examining how its gills work. (And this is just a sampling of the things they've done!) They can't wait for it to be Jr. Naturalist night! And to be honest, I think I enjoy it (and learn from it) as much as they do! Now THIS is what learning is all about!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Corny Thought

Hey, guess what we did today??? Here's a hint...

Give up? Ok, so you probably guessed it--we put up sweet corn today! This is one of the most fun work days of the year! Grandma and Grandpa come, Aunt J and Uncle D and their kids, and us. (and throw into the mix a hired-man or two) We are SOOO thankful for a wonderful sweet corn crop this year--today we put up more than we ever have and gave a ton away. I love it when we can share something so good! And boy will that taste good in the middle of winter! As for right now, I don't think I need to see an ear of sweet corn for the next month or so. My kids, on the other hand, think this is the most wonderful time of the year! (assuming you throw in a stick of butter and a sprinkling of salt!)