Friday, July 31, 2009

Teaching a 2-year-old their colors can be a trying experience. But I love this video as it shows what a good little talker she is, plus she's just so doggone cute! (Sorry, I can't figure out how to turn it upright!!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Potty Training

We are at it again. Potty training, round (child) 3. And I must say this time has been SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier than the previous 2. And she's even younger than the other 2 when we were trying to train them. Wow, for once in her life, she has been easier than the other 2. The only problem is she has an older brother. And brothers just have a different way of using the bathroom than sisters...especially when you live on a farm in the country. Yep, you guessed it. When it's time to go and she's outside, she pulls off her underware, stands in the grass, and just lets 'er rip. Awful, I know. Actually the first time I caught her doing this, it was HILARIOUS. And I mean really, what am I supposed to do when she has to "go" every 20 minutes and we are working out in the garden? So, I've been letting her go this way--not encouraging it, mind you! But, it is convenient, and I suspect once winter comes, this method will be long forgotten...or at least I hope so!

Monday, July 27, 2009

All-Natural Gardening

Speaking of gardening (read previous post), here's my budding gardener, in her all-natural state. Ok, ok, before you get the wrong idea, she didn't START OUT this way! AND I DO NOT GARDEN THIS WAY!!! (See me, I'm the one picking beans WAAAAY in the background and please notice I AM fully clothed.) We are in the midst of potty-training at our house. She actually started with a shirt and underware on. She stripped off the shirt when big brother took off his. And the underware got left in the grass somewhere when she decided she had to GO and tried to do it like big-brother does. (which should be a whole other post...hilarious!) So, this is how she ended up. And me, wanting to get thru the green bean rows, decided there are definitely advantages to living in the country.

Eating my words

You know, words just don't taste very good when you have to eat them. Especially words you threw at your parents as a child. Let me explain. My parents always had a garden, and I even remember for a while, we had 2. And a strawberry patch. And I'm not talking about a little 10 foot by 10 foot garden, I'm talking G-A-R-D-E-N. (Although I do realize everything seems bigger when you're young....anyway...) I, being the oldest of 5, was called on some to help with the garden, particularly snapping beans and podding peas. I can't tell you how many hours I spent in those two endeavors in my younger years. (Although probably not as many as I think I remember.) I repeatedly told my parents I was NEVER going to have a garden. And I meant it. forward to today...yes, literally today...

Well, I just finished canning my second canner-load of green beans tonight, and have a big picking again tomorrow, so will be canning again. And as I was sitting there watching my gauge register 11 pounds of pressure for 25 minutes, I was actually thinking how thankful I am that I know how to garden, AND know how to pressure can. (This is my 17th year gardening and canning...on my own!) I have two friends who are learning to can this year, and one who has planted her first garden. I applaud them for their effort. And I realized tonight that their struggle to learn is something I have taken for granted.

Yep, words aren't very tasty...but home-grown green beans fresh from a jar in the middle of winter are pretty sweet!

A renewed committment

Every once-in-a-while I talk to someone who says, "I read your blog." and I always cringe a little bit because I know how LONG LONG LONG it has been since I've updated this thing! Being someone who loves to talk, you would think I could jot down a few thoughts once in a while...right?? I guess time will tell! And for those of you who actually want to read what I have to say, thanks. I'll try to do a better job...but no promises, ok?