We have finished hauling in and grading the dirt...

...formed the footings...

...poured the footings... (Clark Concrete, St. Joe)

...formed the cement walls (only the walls against the dirt will be cement)...
...poured the cement walls...

....all under the watchful eye of some pretty mean supervisors.

Then they took the forms off.
Placed drain plumbing and filled in floor with rock.

Laid down foam sheets and ran orange water lines for floor heat...
...and placed rebar on top of that.

Then they poured the concrete floor...at 6am! (Advantage Concrete, Hiawatha--best crew in the business!)

The kids loved watching the power trowel...and wanted to try it out!

These guys are top-notch.

With the exception of the piece of lint in my camera lens...doesn't it look sweet?

And now...we're ready for just about anything.
I've finally figured out how to email pictures to this blog, so maybe I can get things posted in a more timely manner!!
Stay tuned, pouring the suspended cement garage floor is next!
1 comment:
Wow! Lots of progress!!! That must be so exciting to see everything moving along. :)
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