Friday, May 25, 2012

Five Things

Five Things what? I don't know! The blogging and website experts tell me you all like LISTS, so being the people-pleaser that I am.....

1. Hooray for summer! We called it quits officially on Monday, although we had been tapering off for about 2 weeks. (We've had enough hours logged to quit since April....but don't EVER tell my kids that!)

2. I'm hoping to do lots more blogging this summer. Let's just hope I don't have a really good REASON to blog this flooding! It doesn't look that way. In fact, I was in the garden today and things are about as dry as I've ever seen them. Figures. Two years of massive flooding followed by a drought. Even the grass is starting to turn brown...isn't it still MAY??

I've been trying to decide what things to write about this summer. I'm planning to include things I love (products and such) because I  love trying a new product that someone else has recommended that actually WORKS. And it seems as though I have no shortage of opinions. And of course...

3. pictures of my cute kids.
That's just plain cute. Sorry. Couldn't resist. I'm sure I'm not biased.

Here's another one. File this in the things-I-probably-shouldn't-post-on-the-internet file, but whatever. I did blur her little booty out. I love this picture because it reminds me every time of how nice it is to live in the country. There are just some things you can't do in the I right?

4. On the skunk front (most of you are familiar with our skunk war saga...) I now have a trap set out by the barn where we think they have taken up residence. Last night the trap was set off, but nothing in it. Hopefully we'll catch something pretty soon--although there is a big debate as to what to do if/when we DO catch something!

5. And finally, did anyone try Plan to Eat?? I'm still going strong, although I did have a super hectic week last week, so any kind of planning/organization went right out the window. So yes, we pretty much ate frozen junk that week. And McDonalds. Curse you, McDonalds.

Have a great weekend and don't forget Memorial Day is about more than city-wide garage sales! :) (That little nugget was more for myself than anyone else!)