Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lovin' Life

Ok, so it's been a while since I've blogged. And although I'd love to write an opinion piece about how dumb it is that the Missouri primary doesn't technically determine our delegates, or how surprised I am at the number of God-fearing people I know that don't support Prop 8 in California.....those topics will have to wait for something much more of my youngest. 

Priorities, people.

I just think these are so stinkin' cute....

This girl loves chicken noodle soup. LOVES, I tell you. (Or at least she did on this day. Who knows about next time.)

She also loves...
 ....reading books
(aka completely destroying books)

...playing on the iPod
(aka messing my iPod up) milk
(aka mooching off of someone else)

...riding the vacuum cleaner...obviously she really loves this one--just look at that face! She's even drooling

...and pretty much making a total disaster out of every meal. Hey, when you're 1, that's your job.

...not sure if she enjoys the food or the mess more.
And of course she loves...
...her Daddy.

This girl loves life. And we love her to pieces, too.


Gwen T said... sweet, Jenny. Your littlest one is just beautiful :)

sheldonanddenise said...

Welcome Back!!! You've been missed ;o) LOVE the pics and your oh so sweet family!