Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Best Birthday EVER (JOIN ME!)

In just a few days I will turn 39, but I've already begun to celebrate! (And I hope you'll celebrate with me!) After reading this blog post a few weeks ago, I decided that I would do the same sort of thing, except spread my acts of kindness over the entire week! This started yesterday.

My oldest had an Orthodontist appointment yesterday morning, so on our way we went through the McDonald's drive thru and we paid for the gentleman's breakfast in the car behind us. I'm quite sure that was the most fun I've had in the McDonalds Drive-thru.  Ever. And it might have slightly reminded me of TP'ing houses in my high school days...it might have, you know, if I ever did that sort of rebellious thing, which of course I assure you I would never ever admit to. (Surely none of my high school coaches read this blog...)

So anyway, this week I will be completing 39 random acts of kindness (or more) in celebration of my Birthday. I've already completed 4 and it has been a blast! Would you like to join me? I'm inviting my friends and family to help me celebrate by doing something simple, kind, and random in honor of my Birthday! I would LOVE it if you would! If you're game, read on!

In case you need some ideas, I'll list some below, but please feel free to do something as circumstances present themselves, or as God leads. And I've found people are more receptive to kindness if you tell them it is in honor of your (or your friends') birthday. (Sad how we've become so cynical to kindness...but that is another blog post for another time...) In fact, some of the ideas listed below should be accompanied by a note of some sort. This is a business card I've printed to help me:

Lastly, if you wouldn't mind leaving a comment here (or on my facebook post) about what you did, that would make this my most amazing Birthday ever. I'm so excited!

Now, on to the ideas....although some of these require money and some of them time, some require very little of either. Be creative, be generous, and have fun!!
  • give away balloons
  • tape some quarters to a vending machine
  • buy some fresh flowers at the grocery store and then turn around and hand them to the person in line behind you
  • donate blood
  • help someone at the grocery store load their groceries into their car (although don't freak them out)
  • tape microwave popcorn to a redbox machine
  • pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru
  • put dollar bills in a few library books
  • give away hot chocolate or coffee to people working outside (utility/street departments, etc.)
  • read children a book at a bookstore or the library
  • leave change on the ground or at a playground for the children to find
  • hand out bottled water to someone who never gets appreciated (nurses at the hospital, security guard at the mall, etc.)
  • hand out suckers to children at the mall (ask parent's permission first, of course) OR
  • hand out stickers to children at the mall (or offer both--gives an option to parents who are hesitant to accept candy from a complete stranger!)
  • buy a small gift card and immediately give it to someone in that establishment, like the person in line behind you or (if in a restaurant) someone at a table. This is a fun one at department stores where most people are grumpy....no names, but you know....
  • deliver a hand-written note and snacks to a local police/fire station
  • take needed items to a homeless shelter
  • pay for someone else's coffee at Starbucks
  • tuck happy notes on car windshields wishing people a good day full of God's blessings
  • take art supplies to waiting rooms (hospitals/Dr.'s offices, etc....would be a good idea to ask them first)
  • leave quarters at a laundromat
  • give a phone card to someone in need
  • give coffee to a toll-booth worker and pay for someone else's toll
  • deliver candy bars (or something else) to workers in a local business you believe in (like a Crisis Pregnancy Center)
  • give a car wash token to someone who looks like they need it. :)
  • Do you know a business that keeps their bathroom really clean? Write a thank-you note and give it to the person in charge of that.
  • pump someone else's gas at the gas station
  • feed busy parking meters
  • let someone else in front of you in line

      Sunday, November 13, 2011

      The fam

      Here we are....new family pic, such as it is. Hey, it's a miracle I made it in FRONT of the camera, and you want all of us to actually be looking AT the camera?? Maybe in about 5 years.
      This was taken on the old man's my sweet husband's 40th Birthday. I shouldn't poke fun because I'm not too far behind...but I'M NOT THERE YET....

      This was a fun day (despite the depressed husband) and a beautiful day, which you can't always guarantee in mid-October.