Sunday, January 2, 2011

The January 1 Purge

How does a person accumulate so much junk? They say the average adult moves to a different residence every 7 years. I'm beginning to think a person SHOULD move every 7 years just to purge all of the junk they've accumulated. We've lived here for 18 years, so you can just imagine the amount of junk we have tucked into each and every corner and cranny. Case and point...

New Years Day DH decided it was THE DAY to clean out the entry. Our entry room isn't big, probably about 5' x 8' and contains a large closet with bi-fold doors, a freestanding cabinet and a sink. Here's what we hauled OUT of the entry (including the sink!):
Ok, ok, so the table on the front of the trailer came from the garage. But the rest? Yeah, came from that room. Did I mention it is like 5'x8'?? How does this happen? How is this possible?  Worst part was it took us nearly ALL DAY.

DH mentioned something about tackling the den today.....let's hope not! I'm going to need about a week to prepare for that kind of a project!

1 comment:

sheldonanddenise said...

I would hate to post the pics of our trailer loads when we purge!!! Yikes! We've been on about a 6 month purge and still have a ways to go.... grrr! Let me know if you need us to watch some kiddos when you tackle the big stuff! Denise