Monday, December 20, 2010

The fog is clearing!

Can't believe it has been June since I last updated here. Sorry, Denise! (Although in my defense you are probably the ONLY person in the world who checks my blog regularly.) For those of you who don't know, I have a good reason for being "out of touch" for a while:
Sweet Baby Girl is now just over 3 months old and is finally deciding life outside the womb isn't so bad. I know, I know, she looks so peaceful here. Yeah, I have to photograph these moments because they are fleeting...  I'm not saying she has been AWFUL, but certainly not the easiest baby in the world, or even the easiest baby I've had. I guess as my friend Sheri says, God has a way of letting you know when you're "done". This is certainly the last baby that's coming from MY body...unless God intervenes, of course.
Anyway, the last 3 months have been a whirlwind, emotionally and physically.  This whirlwind has left my house disorganized and my kids unruly. Time to reset....everything. So I've been working, little by little, to get everything back in order....


Zach Leatherman said...

Surely I'm not the only one!

sheldonanddenise said...

Yahoo!!! Thank you Jenny!!!!! Shall I look forward to a post everyday or every other day ;o) Denise