Monday, December 14, 2009

Lovin' the SNOW

It is not every year that we get a good snow, not for sledding at least. Typically we might get a couple of inches at a time, but it is gone in a day or two. So when the snow comes by the bucketfull, and actually stays for a while, it is time to call everyone we know and go SLEDDING! This adventure is compliments of our dear friends, the Wrights. Hugs to them for having such an AWESOME hill and being willing to share it with 100 crazy friends on a cold winter day!


I love this one...they are about to run into a bunch of people. (Can you tell??)

Jules and Sianna...

I know, it doesn't look like they're having any fun at all, does it?

Brooklyn...this is about as excited about sledding as she gets. They weren't even moving!
Ah, there's nothing better than friends, snow, and a cup of hot chocolate to finish it off!

Where's the pictures of me?? Hey, someone's got to stand behind the camera! And honestly, there's no other place I'd rather be!


Emily Streit said...

:( I want to go sledding.... ;) looks like you all had fun!!

Tim, Kristen , Megan, Emily, and Anna said...

That looks like fun!