Monday, March 10, 2008

Ice Storm Photos

Found some ice storm photos--see next post for details. (Click on photo for larger image.) This first one is the infamous "flying lesson" tree. It's amazing he didn't land on a branch and get shishkabobbed. Then DH's favorite tree, the sugar maple (with apple tree in background, split right down the middle.) Lastly one of our Magnolias right in front of our living room bay window.

Snow Much Fun??

This winter has been more ways that one! We started off with snow the day before Thanksgiving--remnants of which I think has been in my yard ALL WINTER! And then it seemed like it snowed every week--on days I needed to take the kids somewhere. December brought the worst ice storm anyone could remember for these parts, leaving thousands of people without power, including us for almost a week. In the midst of that week, DH decided to climb an ice-covered tree to trim a limb that was dangling over a (dead at the time) power line. The branch he was climbing broke and he fell almost 20 feet, hitting his chest on the steel bucket of the loader tractor half-way down. A flying trip to the ER told us he miraculously escaped with only cracked ribs and LOTS of sore muscles. Easily things could have turned out much worse and we definitely felt God was watching out for him. He was sore for a couple of weeks (and avoided coughing and sneezing at all costs that first week or so), but healed up just fine. He has promised not to climb any more ice-covered trees. This photo is of him and the kids after building a snowman in the front yard (post flying experience). They love to do this (I'm the weenie that stays inside where its warm...watching the baby of course!) and find all sorts of things to make the snowman come to life. They were digging around for a pirate patch to go along, but couldn't find it. Who needs carrots and coal when you have bubba teeth, walnuts, and a plastic nose?
I rarely get a good picture of DD these days--seems like she either doesn't want to be near the camera, or doesn't remember how to act normal OR natural in front of it. Even here, the smile is a little "cheesy", but hey, the lighting is good, right? For her Birthday she wanted to have a Princess Dress-Up party, so we sent 4 of her friends crowns and a "royal" invitation to come to the "castle" for a "princessity" good time. Cinderella here had a great time, and remarked the party wasn't nearly long enough..."how about they spend the night next time, Mom?" Ummmm, I'm not sure I'm ready for that!
This past Fall we realized that DS's allergies were serious enough to go see a specialist. This photo is after one "puff" of soybean dust hit his face while Daddy was dumping the truck. Thankfully he must not have inhaled any because he did not have an asthma attack as we expected he might. Soybean dust seems to be one of his major triggers. Since then, he has started on allergy shots, which of course is major trauma for everyone, although he is getting braver every time. Its hard to keep a kid who loves the farm away from the farm allergens! If these shots do the trick, then maybe we won't have to.

Technology Overload

How many external hard drives can you hook up to one computer anyway? With 3 internal and 3 external currently, I think I've reached my limit. Then add in the laptop. The problem now being I can't remember WHERE I put WHAT! I can't seem to find those cute pictures I took the other day, so this will have to do for now. It was taken back around Christmas time, but oh well, it's cute just the same, right? The true miracle about this photo is that there was no editing needed. Yes, EVERYONE smiled at the SAME time, and ALL were looking AT me (the camera)! These things only happen once in a lifetime, so I'm cherishing this one for a while. :)