Wednesday, November 26, 2014


The framers arrived last Friday and by Friday afternoon, we had this:

Today is Wednesday and they are already starting on the outside walls of the upper floor!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Decisions, Decisions

Someone not too long ago asked me why, when a person builds a new house, do they paint every room the same color? Simple. By the time you get to the pick-out-the-paint-color discussion, you're done with making decisions. DONE.

Because up to that point, you've had hundreds of conversations like this. (Excuse the incorrect punctuation.)

"Let's pick out your front door. I'll narrow it down to one company to get your started. Here's the catalog.

Do you want steel or fiberglass? (fiberglass)
Do you want mahogany grain, oak grain, or smooth? (mahogany)
Do you want glass in the door? (yes)
How much glass--a sliver (in several different configurations), half, 2/3, or whole? (whole)
Do you want privacy glass or a pattern? (pattern)
What pattern--there are 17 different ones to choose from? (Saratoga)
What size of door? (3' x 6'8" is what the blueprint says)
How about sidelites? (yes)
On both sides or just one? (both)
How wide? (blueprint says 16")
These only come in 10", 12", and 14" widths. (ok, 14" then)
Half glass, 2/3, or full length? (full length)
Clear glass, privacy glass, or the Saratoga pattern? (Saratoga)
How about a transom window above the door? (yes, the blueprint shows a curved transom window)
That pattern doesn't come in a curved option but you could do clear or privacy glass instead if you really wanted a curved one. (no, let's stick with the Saratoga pattern and we'll just do the rectangle)
If you do a transom window the sidelites can only be 12" wide rather than 14". (fine 12" it is)
What color of handles and hinges--8 options. (Black Nickel)
What style of handle--5 choices? (Venture)
What color of sill--4 choices. (Bronze)
Do you want a multi-point locking system? (yes)
Do you want the composite sill and trim so it never rots. (absolutely)
Do you want it to come with a stain kit? (no)
Ok, that's it."

And that's just the front door.

Last week, in addition to the front door, we also picked out the fireplace, started wading through the garage door options, chose the other exterior doors, the front porch concrete color, decided on insulation, and met with the cabinet people. And that's just what I can remember...

So if my family asks me if I want butter with my roll or sugar in my tea at Thanksgiving this week, I might just crawl up in a fetal position in the corner.

Friday, November 14, 2014


The week started out with beautiful weather that Monday night turned COLD. Really cold. Wanting to make our newly poured concrete nice and comfy in our new house, we (the Binder family) tucked it into these insulating 25 mph wind. No joke. A 3-ring circus has nothing on us. 

Now to wait for this cold weather to GO AWAY.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Concrete, Sweet Concrete

Our backyard has seen significant changes since this... (click on photos for larger view)

We have finished hauling in and grading the dirt...

...formed the footings...

...poured the footings... (Clark Concrete, St. Joe)

...formed the cement walls (only the walls against the dirt will be cement)...

...poured the cement walls...

....all under the watchful eye of some pretty mean supervisors.

Then they took the forms off.

Placed drain plumbing and filled in floor with rock.

Laid down foam sheets and ran orange water lines for floor heat...

...and placed rebar on top of that.

Then they poured the concrete 6am! (Advantage Concrete, Hiawatha--best crew in the business!)

The kids loved watching the power trowel...and wanted to try it out!

These guys are top-notch.

With the exception of the piece of lint in my camera lens...doesn't it look sweet?

And now...we're ready for just about anything.

I've finally figured out how to email pictures to this blog, so maybe I can get things posted in a more timely manner!!

Stay tuned, pouring the suspended cement garage floor is next!