And now it is January 1, 2014. All of that stuff is over, and I'm wondering what to do next. (Dripping with sarcasm!) But the coming of a new year is a good time to reflect on the past and make plans for the future. So, these are my somewhat-lofty thoughts for the next year...
1. Slow Down. When I don't have time to minister to others on a spur-of-the-moment basis, I'm too busy. This is hard for me because apparently I love to pack my schedule full-to-the-brim-full. And I often forget that there are seasons to life, and I am no longer a foot-loose 25-year-old with no children.
2. Read a book. Yes, just one. But one that is not geared for ages 8 and under. Some of you will think this is hilarious because you read ALL::THE::TIME. Well, so do I. But mostly I read my Bible, blog posts, Fox News, and my kids' assignments. I research the best vacuum cleaner to buy and what devotionals I could teach to my Sparks group. I read instruction manuals and put-it-together booklets. And I read tons partial books. You know, like the first 3-4 chapters? I just want to finish ONE book, beginning to end. (Last year I read The Insanity of God by Nik Ripkin, which is excellent and you should absolutely read it if you haven't!) I already know what my 2014 book is: Good and Angry. (See point #3.)
3. Yell less. Don't get the wrong impression. I'm not one of those hysterical angry-eyed Moms that you avoid in the mall. But I do spend almost every day, all day, with all of my children and I get frustrated from time to time. Often that frustration vents in the form of yelling. "I TOLD YOU GUYS WE HAD TO LEAVE AT 3:00 AN HOUR AGO AND NOW IT IS TIME TO WALK OUT THE DOOR AND NO ONE IS REMOTELY READY??? THIS IS VERY DISRESPECTFUL AND WE'RE GOING TO YOUR THING, NOT MINE, AND NEXT TIME I'M GOING TO WALK OUT THE DOOR AND LEAVE YOU ALL HERE AND YOU CAN JUST CLEAN HOUSE WHILE I GO TO YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY." (Don't we say the dumbest things when we're angry?) Don't judge me. I'm just being honest. Yelling doesn't work very well anyway. A sweet friend recommended the book Good and Angry: Exchanging Frustration for Character in You and Your Kids by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. I'm through the first few chapters and it has been EXCELLENT so far. So if I can accomplish #2 and read this to the end, maybe I can accomplish yelling less!
4. Simplify. I read a blog post recently about getting rid of 2014 things in 2014. That's like 5.5 things a day! It got me to thinking with 6 in our family, if each person "purged" 1 thing a day we'd have this thing almost licked by December! But I want to be realistic. Not that we don't have 2014 things to purge, but I thought we'd start small and see how it goes. So we are getting rid of 6 things a day (1 per person) for the month of January. We'll evaluate after that.
5. Document more. My goal is to scrapbook one simple layout a week (digital scrapbooking, of course!) Did I just write that? One every week?? This will be a challenge. I've done tons of project in the last year, but actual family documentation in the form of scrapbooking has been almost non-existent. So, this is the year to get my booty back in gear!
6. Grow. As a Believer, this goes without saying but I'm going to say it anyway. Every week God pricks me to know Him better, and share Him more. To forgive, to think of others more than myself, have patience, prioritize, be a peacemaker, root out bitterness, not replace Him with other things, practice self-control, not be distracted by the cares of this world. Just to name a few. I'm incredibly thankful for a church that challenges me every week to be more like Jesus, and for friends and family who hold me accountable. I am a work in progress.
Are these resolutions? Not really. Just things to strive for. What are you striving for in 2014?