Monday, December 28, 2009

Lovin' the SNOW...a little less

I believe I have reached my snow limit. Can I go back to summer?? 80 degrees sure does sound good right about now. But the kids are still having fun. I'll try to get some photos posted tomorrow!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lovin' the SNOW

It is not every year that we get a good snow, not for sledding at least. Typically we might get a couple of inches at a time, but it is gone in a day or two. So when the snow comes by the bucketfull, and actually stays for a while, it is time to call everyone we know and go SLEDDING! This adventure is compliments of our dear friends, the Wrights. Hugs to them for having such an AWESOME hill and being willing to share it with 100 crazy friends on a cold winter day!


I love this one...they are about to run into a bunch of people. (Can you tell??)

Jules and Sianna...

I know, it doesn't look like they're having any fun at all, does it?

Brooklyn...this is about as excited about sledding as she gets. They weren't even moving!
Ah, there's nothing better than friends, snow, and a cup of hot chocolate to finish it off!

Where's the pictures of me?? Hey, someone's got to stand behind the camera! And honestly, there's no other place I'd rather be!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Naughty Fwirl

See previous post, first video.... This is that "naughty fwirl." And although it is hard to see here, he actually has his head INSIDE the pumpkin. NAUGHTY FWIRL, INDEED!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Documenting the ABC's

She's been singing this the last couple of days, but wouldn't you know it, when I get out the camera, this happens...

Not one to give up easily, we tried again, with successful results!

Is a 2 and a half year old supposed to "know" their ABC's?? I guess we'll just have to start working on the word "squirrel." :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mom the Detective

I love detective shows--back when we had a TV connected to the real world, that is. My favorite was CSI--the early CSI Las Vegas, when the murder had already been committed and you didn't have to SEE someone getting hacked to death with a hatchet. (Come on CSI--we can use our imaginations, we don't need to SEE those kinds of things. I digress...) So, yes, I love solving a mystery.

Never in my wildest dream did I ever imagine becoming a Mom would automatically make me a detective. I am called on just about every day to "put the pieces together" to discover what really happened 3 minutes ago in the living room. Here's a great example from today, and you see if YOU can figure it out...(don't worry, it doesn't take a rocket scientist!)

I knew it was a BAD sign finding a pile of screws on the living room carpet, alongside the murder weapon...

...and then a miscellaneous piece I've never seen before in my life (aka a trail of blood)...

...ahh, it appears we have found the victim, even though the culprit tried to cover up the murder.

And as I type this, the culprit just walked into the room stating, "Mom, I need a rope!"


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Personality to the Max

Sometimes I forget God can pack so much personality into such a little body. But boy can He! There are so many factors to this photo that show her personality...

1) She's still in her pajamas, which she decides each morning exactly WHEN to change out of them, and typically picks her own clothes. (She's 2, remember? My 8-year-old doesn't even do this.)

2) She has 4 items in her hair--a ponytail, 2 headbands, and a pair of sunglasses. Overkill is her middle name.

3) She has her hands crossed like a prim and proper lady. I'm surprised she doesn't have her legs crossed--she usually does.

4) She has assembled, (and carefully placed) her crew to watch TV (probably a Chester video) with her. She is all about being with people and interaction, although only if she knows you. Apparently she's pretty good buds with these friends.

One thing you should know about our TV watching habits is that they are few and far between. When we had our first child 8 years ago, we decided we had better things to do than watch TV, so we got rid of the antennae (we never had cable or satellite...I live in the boonies, remember?). We did keep the TV and VCR to watch an occasional movie. So when I let the kids watch a video, it is big stuff. Apparently Drama Queen didn't want anyone to miss it!

One of the blessings of being a parent, which I hadn't thought of before I had kids, was being able to watch their little personalities develop. To encourage them in strengths and discipline them in weaknesses is one of the joys of being a parent. (Ok, so not such a joy, the disciplining part...let's call it a privilege, ok?)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rainbow Cake Adventure

Chatterbox, a few weeks ago, saw this cake on the internet and decided she wanted it for her birthday. I was thrilled, because compared to the huge castle cake we made last year (that took us 2 joke!), this was going to be EEEEEEE-ZZZZZZZZZ! And for the most part, I was right. I will say it provided a whole ton of fun! Here's what we did...

We made 2 cake mixes, and divided the batter into 6 bowls, then added food coloring to make the 6 colors of the rainbow. I used Wilton food coloring so the colors would be vibrant.

Then we took cookie-dough scoopers and "plopped" random colors into two heart-shaped cake pans.

They will thrilled with their creations, as you can tell...

After baking, we cut the tops off to make them flat, and they looked like this.

Then we stacked and frosted them.

Happy Birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday.......

What a cool surprise when you cut into this cake and find this!

And if you're wondering how it tastes, it tastes just like white cake. Although I will say it was a little more "crumbly" than normal. Otherwise, it was a big hit!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Closed for the Season

The kids have officially closed their farmer's market for the season. Actually, we don't have anything left, except for a couple of pumpkins the squirrels are getting into on the front porch. We ended the summer with our pumpkin harvest, which was really a lot of fun and made the kids their most money. Here you can see them...



Ready to haul

Ready to sell!

But now the pumpkins and gourds are all gone, and the kids are making bigger and better plans for next year's market. I'm so glad this has been a good experience for them and that they are excited to do it again! Anyone want to order pumpkins for next year??

The Binders have Crabs

Yes, it is true. Shocking, I know. Meet one of four...

We actually have had these little critters since summer, but I just ran across this photo and thought I'd share. They have been interesting to have, and not too much trouble at all. They eat just about anything, and not too much of it. Although I will say they are not the funnest pets to have. (My kids still want a puppy.) But they have been a good learning experience and if you want to know anything about hermit crabs, just ask my kids!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting Sick

I already know I am ridiculous when it comes to germs, so don't start with me. But I really hate getting sick. And not so much me, but the kids. We have went through pneumonia twice. Mr. Easy Going threw up in his room last year in the middle of the night, and when I came in and flipped on the light, it looked like a crime scene. No joke. (And my first thought was, "How MANY people have been throwing up in here??) So, when we were exposed to H1N1 last week, the next day I went to Walmart and bought this.

And this isn't even everything. I didn't photograph the new forehead thermometer (which is supposed to be more accurate then the ear one we already have...but I have my doubts about that one...), the new cool-mist humidifier, or the multiples (I actually bought 2 boxes of Mucinex, 2 bottles of Tylenol...etc.) My Mom, after seeing this pile, commented that I forgot to get rubber gloves and Lysol spray, but I already have plenty of those items!

So, I was prepared. Mentally and medicine-ly. And we waited. I figured incubation period is anywhere between 2 and 6 days....

we waited...
and waited...
and now that it's been a week, I think we missed it. And I, Miss Borderline Germ-a-phobic, am almost disappointed. I was just ready to get it over with. I mean really, as contagious as it seems to be, you know we're going to get it eventually. And I guess I'd rather have it now than over Thanksgiving or Christmas, or someone's birthday.

So, I guess we'll continue to wait. And if we don't get it pretty soon, I guess we could go back to Walmart and lick the shopping cart handle.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Going Fishing" is just an excuse

Neither my husband nor myself really grew up fishing much. And although I like to go fishing, my one requirement is they have to bite pretty fast. Call me impatient, whatever. I might feel differently if (a) I didn't have to keep 3 kids contained, quiet, and safe from drowning, and (b) I didn't have to touch things that smell so bad and are bait, moss, and the fish themselves. Don't get me wrong, I can touch pretty smelly and pretty slimy things, but I just don't want it to be part of something that is supposed to be relaxing. Nonetheless, about once or twice a summer, DH announces we are going fishing, so off we go, toting laughable poles and supplies in hand. Rarely do we catch anything...I mean really, did I mention there are THREE kids (under the age of 8) in a METAL fishing boat? "Quiet" does not exist in our world.

But, just look at what we get to enjoy. Fresh air, warm sunshine, and amazing scenery. God's creation at its best! And we get to enjoy it with the people we love most in this world. "Going Fishing" is really just an excuse to experience all of this.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Grandma's Barn

It is funny how certain photos evoke certain emotions. This photo, which probably means absolutely nothing to most of you, holds a warm, but now bittersweet spot in my heart. This is a photo of my grandma's barn. And although we were never allowed in it because of its instability, it was always a fixture in her backyard. My grandparents, even though they lived on the edge of a little town, had chickens (...and an outhouse! But that is a different story!) When I played in the yard, the barn was always there. When I went to throw the scraps to the chickens, the barn was always there. When I went to help Grandpa shut up the chickens, the barn was always there. The reason why this photo is now bittersweet is because we auctioned off her place this last weekend. This is no longer "her" barn. The yard that I spend many hours playing in, and the garden I helped Grandma and Grandpa dig potatoes in, is no longer theirs. And although I recognize seasons of life come and go, it still makes me a little sad. And in my heart, this will ALWAYS be Grandma's barn.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Time with Daddy

My DH loves to go on vacation because it is just about the only time of year he can spend (fairly) uninterrupted time with the kids. They love spending time together and this year, little drama queen here got to be pretty lovey-dovey with him. Makes a heart warm to see such love. I think I'll frame this one so when she's a teenager and giving us all gray hair, we can remember she did at one time love us... :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

So Sad

Ok, so summer is officially over. We are back to school, and the pool has now closed. My kids are so sad. We even went this last weekend even though the water was f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g. (Daddy's comment, while in the water, was, "I don't think I can feel my legs.") Both kids really improved their swimming skills and I believe, with a little bit of heavenly intervention, DS might be able to save himself if he fell into the deep...after the shock wore off. Ok, maybe a lot of heavenly intervention. Anyway, goodbye, summer...goodbye, swimming. We'll welcome you warmly next year!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hey, Body, Pay Attention!

Honestly, getting in shape really stinks. And I really thought I would lose more weight in the process. I'd like to shed this last 20 pounds of insulation my last child put on me. So 6 weeks ago I started jogging every morning, slow at first, but I've moved my way up to 2 and a half miles a day, and increased one whole mph. I've cut 10 minutes off of my 2 mile time. I think that's pretty darn good...ok, I'm still a whole mph away from my goal, but for someone who hasn't been in shape, really, for about 17 years, I feel like I've come a long ways. Now, ask me how much weight I have lost. Go ahead. Ask me....and I'll tell you in the next post. No, just kidding! I've only lost 2 pounds. Six weeks of feet pounding and body sweating, and all I've managed to lose is 2 pounds???? Now THAT is depressing. I figure I'm burning an extra 250 calories a day, so I ask you, where are those calories going?? If it weren't for the health benefits and just feeling better, I think I'd quit. They say it takes 6 weeks to establish a new habit. How long does it take for my body to figure out it needs to quit hanging on so desparately to this excess I have hanging around my waist??

And PS: These are NOT my feet!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Our favorite summer thing

Ask my kids what their favorite part of summer is. You might think they would say swimming, or playing outside. Nope. It is the Jr. Naturalist program at the wildlife refuge down the road. This once-a-week program has my kids hiking to the top of a "mountain" to feel some dirt, pouring vinegar on rocks, listening for birds, hunting for (and holding) snakes (yes, its true, and I have the pictures to prove it), holding and examining frogs, categorizing clouds, collecting leaves (and snails), and you just might find them all crouched over a little tub of water with a crawdad in it...examining how its gills work. (And this is just a sampling of the things they've done!) They can't wait for it to be Jr. Naturalist night! And to be honest, I think I enjoy it (and learn from it) as much as they do! Now THIS is what learning is all about!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Corny Thought

Hey, guess what we did today??? Here's a hint...

Give up? Ok, so you probably guessed it--we put up sweet corn today! This is one of the most fun work days of the year! Grandma and Grandpa come, Aunt J and Uncle D and their kids, and us. (and throw into the mix a hired-man or two) We are SOOO thankful for a wonderful sweet corn crop this year--today we put up more than we ever have and gave a ton away. I love it when we can share something so good! And boy will that taste good in the middle of winter! As for right now, I don't think I need to see an ear of sweet corn for the next month or so. My kids, on the other hand, think this is the most wonderful time of the year! (assuming you throw in a stick of butter and a sprinkling of salt!)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Teaching a 2-year-old their colors can be a trying experience. But I love this video as it shows what a good little talker she is, plus she's just so doggone cute! (Sorry, I can't figure out how to turn it upright!!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Potty Training

We are at it again. Potty training, round (child) 3. And I must say this time has been SOOOOOOOOOOO much easier than the previous 2. And she's even younger than the other 2 when we were trying to train them. Wow, for once in her life, she has been easier than the other 2. The only problem is she has an older brother. And brothers just have a different way of using the bathroom than sisters...especially when you live on a farm in the country. Yep, you guessed it. When it's time to go and she's outside, she pulls off her underware, stands in the grass, and just lets 'er rip. Awful, I know. Actually the first time I caught her doing this, it was HILARIOUS. And I mean really, what am I supposed to do when she has to "go" every 20 minutes and we are working out in the garden? So, I've been letting her go this way--not encouraging it, mind you! But, it is convenient, and I suspect once winter comes, this method will be long forgotten...or at least I hope so!

Monday, July 27, 2009

All-Natural Gardening

Speaking of gardening (read previous post), here's my budding gardener, in her all-natural state. Ok, ok, before you get the wrong idea, she didn't START OUT this way! AND I DO NOT GARDEN THIS WAY!!! (See me, I'm the one picking beans WAAAAY in the background and please notice I AM fully clothed.) We are in the midst of potty-training at our house. She actually started with a shirt and underware on. She stripped off the shirt when big brother took off his. And the underware got left in the grass somewhere when she decided she had to GO and tried to do it like big-brother does. (which should be a whole other post...hilarious!) So, this is how she ended up. And me, wanting to get thru the green bean rows, decided there are definitely advantages to living in the country.

Eating my words

You know, words just don't taste very good when you have to eat them. Especially words you threw at your parents as a child. Let me explain. My parents always had a garden, and I even remember for a while, we had 2. And a strawberry patch. And I'm not talking about a little 10 foot by 10 foot garden, I'm talking G-A-R-D-E-N. (Although I do realize everything seems bigger when you're young....anyway...) I, being the oldest of 5, was called on some to help with the garden, particularly snapping beans and podding peas. I can't tell you how many hours I spent in those two endeavors in my younger years. (Although probably not as many as I think I remember.) I repeatedly told my parents I was NEVER going to have a garden. And I meant it. forward to today...yes, literally today...

Well, I just finished canning my second canner-load of green beans tonight, and have a big picking again tomorrow, so will be canning again. And as I was sitting there watching my gauge register 11 pounds of pressure for 25 minutes, I was actually thinking how thankful I am that I know how to garden, AND know how to pressure can. (This is my 17th year gardening and canning...on my own!) I have two friends who are learning to can this year, and one who has planted her first garden. I applaud them for their effort. And I realized tonight that their struggle to learn is something I have taken for granted.

Yep, words aren't very tasty...but home-grown green beans fresh from a jar in the middle of winter are pretty sweet!

A renewed committment

Every once-in-a-while I talk to someone who says, "I read your blog." and I always cringe a little bit because I know how LONG LONG LONG it has been since I've updated this thing! Being someone who loves to talk, you would think I could jot down a few thoughts once in a while...right?? I guess time will tell! And for those of you who actually want to read what I have to say, thanks. I'll try to do a better job...but no promises, ok?